Metabolic System Check-Up Package
Suitable for:
- Health-care enthusiasts
- Men and women over the ages of 40
- People who want to check or have problems with their digestion and metabolism
The Package consists of:
FBS – Fasting blood sugar test used to measure the sugar level in the blood to assess the risk of diabetes
Kidney Function (Creatinine / BUN) – Kidney function tests to assess the risk of kidney failure
Liver Function (Size Full – SGOT / SGPT / Alk phos. / Total Protein / Albumin / Globulin / Direct & Total Bilirubin) – tests measuring different enzymes in the liver to assess liver function, plus additional checks for protein production and bile
Electrolyte (NaCl / K / Cl / CO2) – Test for electrolyte (Na/K/Cl/CO2) and screening for electrolyte imbalance
Calcium – Test to measure the level of calcium in the blood
How to prepare yourself before the check-up?
- Refrain from eating or drinking any beverages for 8-12 hours
- Can drink water regularly
Price 1,300 Baht
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