Today, let’s learn a little bit more about homeostasis, the condition in which the body maintains its stability, as we have learned that the imbalance of the body has a greater impact than we thought. Moreover, what does it mean to be balanced or unbalanced in this context? It is not apparent to the eyes. So, how can we go about it? We will discuss this in this article.
2 protagonists who are in a state of bodily equilibrium
Start by getting to know the two protagonists of the story, antioxidants and free radicals. They will be the main characters in our discussion.
Free radicals are unstable atoms or molecules that can damage cells. Free radicals occur from a lack of electrons, thus inducing a reaction for atoms/molecules to compete for electrons from other molecules, which could be caused from within and outside the body. The reaction damages and causes these atoms/molecules to be distorted in various ways, intoxicating the body and causing illness and aging.
- Free radicals could be induced from within the body, from the metabolic process in the cells. Although it is a normal process, if the metabolism is too high or overactive, it could also create more free radicals, such as from eating high-calorie food or eating too much.
- External stimuli such as UV radiation, pollution, infection, and roasted, grilled, or fried food.
- Physical stress such as lack of sleep, fasting/starvation, loss of weight, or excessive exercise, and physical stress.
When free radicals occur, which are toxic to the body, the body will find ways to remove such toxicants. Hence, it produces “antioxidants” as a resistor. Nonetheless, if the body produces more free radicals than antioxidants, it will still be unable to remove all free radicals. Free radicals will slowly destroy cells in the body, progressing from the stage of “Oxidative damage” to “Oxidative stress”, causing organ degeneration that leads to various diseases such as heart disease, dementia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, aging, looking older than actual age, and cancer.

Now you can see how an imbalance in the body could harm and damage your health and body. As such, there are developments of several tests nowadays to check whether our body is in homeostasis. By checking the number of free radicals and the efficacy of antioxidants, the result could help indicate whether our body is in homeostasis or has any risk of developing chronic disease, allowing us to monitor the symptoms and get proper treatment. There are 2 tests that we can take, which are:
- The reactive oxygen metabolites or d-ROMs test is one of the assays that can measure and analyze an organism’s oxidative balance and the condition by which the body may be obstructed from free radicals by measuring the R-OOH.
- PAT Test is another assay that could assess the body’s functionality, measuring the efficacy or latency of antioxidants by detecting Total Anti-oxidant.
Who should take the d-ROMs/PAT Test
- Any people who care about their health are recommended to take the test to assess their health and their body’s homeostasis.
- People with congenital disease, chronic disease, and those who are treated with chemotherapy, take medicine continuously or take the Anti-Oxidant supplement group regularly
Last but not least, anyone who doesn’t want to get sick easily, doesn’t want to age too fast, or doesn’t want to have wrinkles should try their best to prevent their body from producing free radicals and enhance the production of anti-oxidants. For example, regularly eat fruits and vegetables so your body gets enough vitamins A, C, E, Lycopene, Beta-carotene, Coenzyme Q10, ensure to get enough sleep (around 22.00-02.00 o’clock), avoid or reduce stressing out as much as possible, find time to relax and rest, workout properly and try to reduce eating any food with high-calorie, carb, sugar or grilled, roasted and fried food.