One of the most discussed issues among healthy consumption is how to consume eggs appropriately. What would be an appropriate amount of consumption? Is it okay to consume eggs every day? How many eggs can you consume per day? Nonetheless, it is a knowable fact that eggs contain high nutrition, as high as milk. There is a lot of benefits from consuming eggs, and it comes at a good price as well.
One egg contains as high as 7 grams of protein. In addition to that, it also contains saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate, folate, iron, minerals, and several other vitamins as well. It seems like eggs contain rather grand benefits comparing to its size.
However, there might be a red flag in its benefits. Some of you may concern about the fat content in an egg since it contains both saturated fat and cholesterol. This fact does raise a lot of concerns for many consumers.
One egg contains about 213 milligram of cholesterol, which is 2 out of 3 of the suggested consumed amount of cholesterol per day (300 milligrams.) Some consumers opt for egg white while trying to avoid the egg yolk as it is the part that contains cholesterol. However, it is important to mention that egg yolk contains more minerals and vitamins than egg white. After all, egg white contains only protein. Therefore, if you opt out the egg yolk, you are missing all the nutrition you will get from consuming an egg as well.
But why should we be risking in consuming eggs?
Many research shows that consuming food with high cholesterol does not affect the accumulation of cholesterol, which relate to heart disease as we always understood. Such incident results from sugar, saturated fat from milk and meat, including lack of exercise. These factors have a higher influence on the contribution of heart disease and high cholesterol.
American Heart Association, or AHA, actually recommend those with good health to consume one egg every day. However, for those with cholesterol level higher than 300 milligrams, or those with heart disease; diabetes; conditions related to blood pressure; or having high Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol; AHA does recommend to consume an egg in a smaller size. AHA also recommends that people with such condition should not eat more than three egg yolk per week as well. Nonetheless, they can consume egg white as usual.
The appropriate consumption amount of eggs differentiate for each person. Normally we can consume eggs every day. However, for those with high cholesterol, they will have to pay more attention to what they consume. The question would be how could we know whether we have high cholesterol. Such information can be retrieved easily by having a health check-up, which covers cholesterol check-up as well. As a result, you will be able to estimate the appropriate amount of eggs consumption per day effectively. Nonetheless, one of a noteworthy thing is that you should not consume raw eggs as it will put you at risk of getting an infection. It is harder for our body to digest raw protein and it would prevent vitamin B from its function as well.
Conclusively, if you concern about the high cholesterol level, it would be more effective to avoid saturated fat and trans-fat; such as junk food; red meat; or animal skin, rather than avoiding eggs.