Today, I would like to present you the new way to detect Coronary Artery Disease. This indicator operates by checking the level of Homocysteine, an amino acid, which indicates the risk of Coronary Artery Disease.
Homocysteine is the amino acid that generates other amino acids by using vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid. Without these vitamins, Homocysteine will not transform to other amino acids, thus making Homocysteine in blood high which will damage Arterial Wall and trigger blood clot.
How does Homocysteine cause Coronary Heart Disease?

Excessive Homocysteine in a blood-vessel can directly cause damage to arterial wall and make it rough and be attached by atheroma. Finally, it will cause blockade and eventually angiostenosis. This indication will affect whole body blood vessels, especially the small blood vessels such as coronary artery blood vessels, and lead to myocardial infarction or cerebral embolism, culprit of paresis and paralysis. Core risk factors of Coronary Artery Disease are age, blood pressure, less HDL level, smoking, and heredity, however we found another factor that does not included in the list above, the high level of Homocystein. Lacking of vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid can cause high level of Homocystein. Having too much Methionine (from meat, egg, milk, and cheese), lacking of exercise, having certain chronic diseases such as kidney disease, receiving stimulant such as alcohol, coffee, cigarette, and receiving some medicines such as anticonvulsive, or antacids can cause it as well.
If high level of Homocysteine in blood is found, you can alleviate the situation by consuming more B6, B12, and folic acid. B6 vitamin is found in pork, beef, fish, brown rice, soybean, peanut, banana, grains, vegetables, and fruits, while B12 is found in pork, fish, cheese, milk and milk products. Whereas folic acid is abundant in all kind of green vegetables, orange, tomato and bean.
These above are good information from Healthy Station, if you are interested, you can discuss with us in more detail for FREE at Health Lab Clinic. For this issue, I have to say ” Good Bye “