
Great tip about “breakfast”

Hello readers! How are you doing? The weather is really hot, isn’t it? So we have to take a good care of our health to prevent any problems which may occur from such hot weather. Such problems can be ranked from heatstroke to flu so drink lots of water and drink frequently. When you have to go out in the sunlight, you should have an umbrella or a hat with you all the time. With all that good tips, today’s article is going to give you another great tip about “breakfast”.

Many of us think breakfast is not necessary if you are in hurry or we can just combine it with lunch. Some of us who want to diet may decrease their meal to only once a day, lunchtime, and skip breakfast because they think if they have just breakfast they will be hungry again soon enough and have to eat more. However, in reality, the most important meal of the day is “breakfast”.

The reason for that is when there is no energy from breakfast for our body to use; the body will extract nutrition from other organs to use instead, which is not fat or cellulite as we thought, as a result our body will emit certain acid out. If such event occurs too often, it will cause our body to loss the chemical balance resulting as the creation of more antioxidants. More antioxidants mean more toxins to our body, resulting as various diseases when we get older. Skipping breakfast will also make us lack the needed nutrition to work through morning time efficiently. Breakfast is also very important for the growth of children. Lack of breakfast means lack of necessary nutrition like protein or certain fat, which help in memorizing stuff, cognition and intellection, giving bad effect to learning process.

For those who want to get in shape, breakfast is a very important meal because it will help stimulate the use of energy. Dr. James M. Rippe, specialist in Cardiologist of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA, ran a study on 12,000 people about breakfast. The results are as follows:

  • Women who have breakfast are less obese than those who don’t, despite what kind of food it is.
  • Men who have breakfast with less calories such as un-grinded grain (brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc.), vegetable, fruit, peas and beans, etc., are more likely to get more nutrition and less obese.
  • The person who has low calories breakfast has the tendency to eat healthy food in other meal, compare to those who have high calories breakfast.

And this is another example which I want to show to you, readers. We can see now that breakfast is very important, both to your daily life and to those who want to get in shape. This in another interesting story which you may try to adapt to your life and let’s us know your story.

For now, good bye and see you again.

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